How To Prevent Flooding In Your Home

04-23-19 | Homeowners

Water, water everywhere! That’s what it has felt like the past few months, with frozen mounds of the stuff surrounding us wherever we went. But now that the weather is warming and the snow is melting, it’s time to think about another kind of water: the kind that can make its way inside and cause damage to our homes. How can we stop this from happening to us?

The good news is there are steps you can take to prevent this. From the outside, seal any cracks or leaks in your walls, windows, walkways around your house – anywhere where water could maybe sneak in. Have you cleaned out your gutters yet? If they’re full of leaves and debris, it will clog up the eaves and cause build-up of water that might find its way inside. Look to direct any flowing water from your gutters away from your house if the area doesn’t have a natural slope. You should do this every fall or early spring.

From the inside, it’s all about the plumbing. Wear and tear effects your pipes just as much as anything else, so be sure to check that they’re watertight (sorry, had to say it.) The same principles for your outside apply here too: keep them clean and well-maintained, fix up any cracks or problems they may have and avoid anything that could create any clogging up. Any hygiene products, fats oils or greases will lead to issues in the future. Trust me, an underwater kitchen or washroom is no one’s idea of a good time!

If it’s been a long time since your plumbing’s been properly checked, it’s worthwhile to hire a licensed plumber to review your systems and identify any problem locations. It may seem unnecessary now, but it beats having to pay for a potential carpet refurbishment. In short if you follow these tips you can stay nice and dry to make sure it’s not only the roof over your heads keeping the rainy elements at bay!