Know Your Neighborhood Before You Find It

12-04-20 | Buying

There’s good news and bad news.

Let’s start with the bad: No one else is going to decide your ideal neighborhood.

Now listen to the good news: you already know what kind of neighborhood you want, and we can help you find it! It’s as simple as asking ‘Where do I see the happiest version of myself living?’ You know what kind of lifestyle you want, don’t you? You’ve got this.

All you need to do is connect the dots and voila…a sketch of your dream neighborhood appears and a clear picture of you living your dream life in it. You’ve got a ring on your finger and kids on the way, but the suburbs sound like a nightmare. But… you want space to call your own. You like the idea of the littles growing up in culture filled city streets? But… you need a break from the hustle and the bustle. Totally doable. No desire for towers and tourists but shudder at the thought of a long commute? There are no limits to what you can find on the market with a clear vision and a talented agent. You’ve just got to steel yourself for the search and don’t give up too soon. You don’t want to resent your past-self for rushing into things just for the sake of getting the job done ASAP.

To help yourself (and us) visualize your perfect scenario, throw together a list of ideal amenities and perks to share with your realtor. We will help to keep the search on track and the purchase within budget. It will take time to figure out the natural compromises along the way between too good to be true and exactly what I want/need in an area we adore at a price point we can afford.

We’ll help you get there sooner than you think. Promise.